Medical Bookspediatrics online Books

ChildTrends [English]

ChildTrends [English]

ChildTrends [English]

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s Pages
Similar Books
The Mother and Her Child

The Mother and Her Child

This book is divided into three principal parts: Part I, dealing with the experience of pregnancy from the beginning of expectancy to the convalescence of labor: Part II, dealing with the infant from its first day of life up to the weaning time; Part III, taking up the problems of the nursery from the weaning to the important period of adolescence.

sNA Pages
Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death

Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death

This volume covers aspects of sudden infant and early childhood death, ranging from issues with parental grief, to the most recent theories of brainstem neurotransmitters. It also deals with the changes that have occurred over time with the definitions of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), SUDI (sudden unexpected death in infancy) and SUDIC (sudden unexpected death in childhood).

sNA Pages
List of childhood diseases and disorders

List of childhood diseases and disorders

The term childhood disease refers to disease that is contracted or becomes symptomatic before the age of 18 years old. Many of these diseases can also be contracted by adults. This book explains about some childhood diseases.

sNA Pages
Complementary Pediatrics

Complementary Pediatrics

Complementary Pediatrics covers complementary issues of pediatric subspecialties consisting of ophthalmologic, surgical, psychosocial and administrative issues of frequently used medications. This book volume with its 16 chapters will help get us and patients enlightened with the new developments on these subspecialties' area.

s354 Pages
The Mother's Manual of Children's Diseases

The Mother's Manual of Children's Diseases

Object of this book is to give a description of the diseases of early life, such as may help a mother to understand something of their nature and symptoms, to save her from needless anxiety as to their issue, and to enable her wisely to second the doctor in his endeavours for their cure. The book is not intended as a handbook for the nursery, instead it tells how to treat their children's illnesses, without the help of a doctor.

sNA Pages


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s Pages
Child health conditions, diagnoses and tests   Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center [English]

Child health conditions, diagnoses and tests Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center [English]

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s Pages
ChildTrends [English]

ChildTrends [English]

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s Pages
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health   Georgetown University [English]

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health Georgetown University [English]

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s Pages
National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Resource Center [English]

National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Resource Center [English]

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s Pages
Neonatology on the Web [English]

Neonatology on the Web [English]

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s Pages
Pediatrics Clerkship   University of Chicago [English]

Pediatrics Clerkship University of Chicago [English]

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s Pages
Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children   National Academy Press [English]

Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children National Academy Press [English]

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s Pages
picuBOOK [English]

picuBOOK [English]

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s Pages
Virtual Children's Hospital A digital library of pediatric health information [English]

Virtual Children's Hospital A digital library of pediatric health information [English]

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s Pages [Italiano] [Italiano]

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s Pages